Curiosity May Kill The Cat, But It Will Make You A Superior Leader
What kills the cat strengthens the leader. If you have any cats in your life, you know that the adage “Curiosity kills the cat” is not just a saying; it’s a fact. Cats have an insatiable curiosity...
View ArticleHow To Be As Good As Jerry Seinfeld
Are you better today than you were yesterday? I don’t mean physically. We all catch colds, we all have occasional aches and pains—particularly as we get older. No, I mean are you better at what you do?...
View ArticleWhy Listening To Your Customers Will Make You Fail
It was during a focus group that I realized my customers were lying to me. I was working at a TV station in Portland, Oregon, and we were developing a new, nightly game show. Part of that development...
View ArticleWhy “Getting Away With It” Is the Danger Zone
I had that dream again last night. Maybe you’ve had it too. It’s the dream where you’ve got a final exam coming up, but you haven’t been to a single class all year. Have you had that one? For me, it’s...
View ArticleAre You Missing Out On Your Team’s Best Thinking?
There’s a very real chance that you’re not hearing your team’s best ideas. I wonder what that’s costing you. Many years ago, I was the president of a local non-profit association. Among my eight or so...
View ArticleThe Most Important Thing To Do When You Are Leading Under Pressure
What do you do when your plans are falling apart, the clock is ticking, and everyone is looking at you for decisions, answers, and leadership? Have you been there? That was my world, every week, for...
View ArticleHow To Overcome The 5 Pressures Of Leadership
Leadership is not for wimps. #Leadership is not for wimps!Click To Tweet Wimps don’t like pressure, and leadership is all about pressure. When I was leading my TV team to over 100 Emmy Awards and 10...
View ArticleThe Most Important Thing To Focus On For Team Success
How do you measure success? Money? Fame? Applause? As a leader, how do your team members measure success? How do your #team members measure #success? #leadershipClick To Tweet It’s a deceptively...
View ArticleThe Myth of Producing Better Under Pressure
They are the heroes, the icons, the legends. They are the leaders in sports, science, and business who “rise to the occasion.” The ones who “do their best work under pressure.” People write books and...
View ArticleHow Your Birthday Can Make You A More Successful Leader
There are few things more challenging to a leader than having to lead your team through a major change. You hear all the usual whining from your team: “But we like it the way it is!” “It’s too hard!...
View ArticleHow To Be As Good As Jerry Seinfeld
Are you better today than you were yesterday? I don’t mean physically. We all catch colds, we all have occasional aches and pains—particularly as we get older. No, I mean are you better at what you do?...
View ArticleWhy Listening To Your Customers Will Make You Fail
It was during a focus group that I realized my customers were lying to me. I was working at a TV station in Portland, Oregon, and we were developing a new, nightly game show. Part of that development...
View ArticleWhy “Getting Away With It” Is the Danger Zone
I had that dream again last night. Maybe you’ve had it too. It’s the dream where you’ve got a final exam coming up, but you haven’t been to a single class all year. Have you had that one? For me, it’s...
View ArticleAre You Missing Out On Your Team’s Best Thinking?
There’s a very real chance that you’re not hearing your team’s best ideas. I wonder what that’s costing you. Many years ago, I was the president of a local non-profit association. Among my eight or so...
View ArticleThe Most Important Thing To Do When You Are Leading Under Pressure
What do you do when your plans are falling apart, the clock is ticking, and everyone is looking at you for decisions, answers, and leadership? Have you been there? That was my world, every week, for...
View ArticleHow To Overcome The 5 Pressures Of Leadership
Leadership is not for wimps. #Leadership is not for wimps!Click To Tweet Wimps don’t like pressure, and leadership is all about pressure. When I was leading my TV team to over 100 Emmy Awards and 10...
View ArticleThe Most Important Thing To Focus On For Team Success
How do you measure success? Money? Fame? Applause? As a leader, how do your team members measure success? How do your #team members measure #success? #leadershipClick To Tweet It’s a deceptively...
View ArticleThe Myth of Producing Better Under Pressure
They are the heroes, the icons, the legends. They are the leaders in sports, science, and business who “rise to the occasion.” The ones who “do their best work under pressure.” People write books and...
View ArticleHow Your Birthday Can Make You A More Successful Leader
There are few things more challenging to a leader than having to lead your team through a major change. You hear all the usual whining from your team: “But we like it the way it is!” “It’s too hard!...
View ArticleStop Choking Under Pressure with this Simple Technique
Do you regularly find yourself in high-pressure situations? If you’re a leader (or a lion tamer), the answer is probably yes. And if that’s true, then it’s also true that you’re expected to produce...
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